Adding a MultiChoice Activity
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Adding a MultiChoice Activity

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Article summary

To add a multichoice activity:

  1. View your course's content in the Course Builder Dashboard.
  2. From the task list in the left pane, select the chapter where you want to add the multichoice activity. 
  3. Click the arrow beside Activity.
  4. Select Multichoice.
You can also right-click on the chapter in the left pane, select Activity, then select Multichoice.

A new Activity tab displays the Multichoice workscreen.

  1. By default, new activities will be named Activity. Rename the task by doing the following:
  1. Click the  beside the name.
  2. Enter the new name.
  3. Press ENTER.
  4. Click Save.
  1. Specify the multichoice activity settings in the following accordions:
If you don't see the settings for the task, be sure the  button at the top of the workscreen is enabled. Depending on your screen size, the settings will display either on the right or at the bottom of the workscreen.
You can click Save at any time to preview the multichoice activity.
  1. Click Save.


When you add a new multichoice activity, a question and answer will be automatically added for you. You can replace the default text that is included with your content. To add questions or answer options to the activity, click the buttons located at the bottom of the accordion. 


The following settings are located in the Content accordion of the Multichoice workscreen. 


Enter the question you want to ask learners.

Successful Completion Message

Enter the message that displays when a learner answers the question correctly.

Unsuccessful Completion Message

Enter the message that displays when a learner answers the question incorrectly.

Selection Type

Select one of the following:

  • Radio Button - Select this option if your question only has one correct answer.
  • Checkbox - Select this option if your question can have more than one correct answer.

Option Text

The answer option's text. If this answer option is correct, check the checkbox beside the field.

  • You can remove a question or answer by clicking the Trash icon.
  • Removing a question will also remove all answers within it.

Activity Settings

The following settings are located in the Activity Settings accordion of the Multichoice workscreen.

Activity Settings

Enable Quick End

Check to only display the first question.

Design Settings

The following settings are located in the Design accordion of the Multichoice workscreen.


Background Pattern

Select the pattern for the activity's background.


Select the color for the activity's background.

Font Settings

Expand the Font Settings accordion to specify the font family, font color, font size, and whether the text displays in bold for the following text.


Option Text

The font settings for the option text.

Button Text

The font settings for the buttons.

Question Text

The font settings for the question.

Completion Information Text

The font settings for the successful completion message and unsuccessful completion message.

All Other Text

The font settings for all other text in the activity.

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