Content Slide: Expandable Images
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Content Slide: Expandable Images

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Article summary

You can allow images that you've added to a content slide to be expanded by learners. 

Graphical user interface, website  Description automatically generated

To allow learners to click on and expand an image:

  1. From the Course Builder Dashboard, display the content slide.
  2. If you haven't already added the image to the content slide, add the image using the WYSIWYG editor. 
  3. Select the HTML Editor tab to view the content slide's HTML code. 
  4. Locate the code for the image which begins with 

HTML Editor

  1. Do one of the following:
  • If the img tag already includes a class attribute, add " imgExpandable" after the existing class attribute. For example:

Text, application  Description automatically generated

  • If the img does not include a class atttribute, add the following just before the /> at the end of the img tag: 


For example:

Graphical user interface  Description automatically generated with low confidence

  1. Click Save.

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