Creating a Custom Certificate
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Creating a Custom Certificate

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Article summary

Although SmarterU includes a default course and certification completion certificate, you can upload a custom certificate to match your branding and display the images, text, and data (e.g., learner's name, course name, completion date) that you want to include. 


To create a custom completion certificate:

  1. Be sure that your certificate's background image is saved as either a PDF or JPG. If your certificate's background image is in another format, you may be able to save it as a JPG
You'll need to use Adobe Acrobat Pro to complete steps 2-6.
  1. In Adobe Acrobat Pro, create a new form from your PDF or image file.

  1. If you need to add static text to your certificate, use Acrobat’s add text tool. Static text can be used to describe the value that follows it. In the example below, Date Completed and Certificate ID are examples of static text. 


  1. Add a text field to the Acrobat form. Text fields tell SmarterU what data to display in the certificate. In the example below, text fields were added to display the learner's name, course name, course completion date, and certificate ID.


  1. Specify the text field's properties: 
Be sure to add at least one variable to your certificate. Certificates containing only images and text will not display.
  • Select the Read-Only checkbox.

You can format the text field's appearance from the Appearance and Position tabs.
If you change the font and see the following error, your selected font will NOT display correctly and will be replaced with another font.
Acrobat - Font Error 20240506If your learners do not have the font you've selected for your certificate installed, the certificate will display using a different font.
  1. Save the Acrobat file in a PDF format.
  2. Upload the custom certificate to your online, SCORM, or instructor-led course, or your certification.

If you have any questions, contact our Success Desk

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