Custom Enrollment Report: Output Options
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Custom Enrollment Report: Output Options

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Article summary

A custom Enrollment Report's output options enable you to specify the type of output (i.e., table, chart, or both) the Enrollment Report produces.

Output options are specified in the Output accordion of the Add/Edit Enrollment Report workscreen.


Allow Edit

If you would like to allow users who run the report to change the output options, select the Allow Edit checkbox.

Output Options

Select one of the following:

  • Grid - Displays the report's output in a tabular format. 
  • Chart - Displays the report's output in a graphical format of the selected chart type
  • Both - Displays the report's output in a tabular and graphical format.

Chart Type

This setting is only available when the Output Option is set to Chart or Both.

Group Output By

This setting is only available when the Output Option is set to Chart or Both. The selected column controls how the data is grouped on the chart.  

The available columns will depend on the chart type.

Chart Type

Available Group By Columns


  • Enrollment Group
  • Learner
  • Course


  • Completed Date
  • Completion Access Date
  • Due Date
  • Duration by Course
  • Duration by Group
  • Duration by User
  • Enrolled Date
  • Grace Period Date
  • Last Accessed Date
  • Last Login Date
  • Session Date
  • Started Date


  • Enrollment Group
  • Learner
  • Course

Include Dates Without Data by Default

This setting is only available when the Chart Type is set to Bar, and the selected Group Output By column is a date. If enabled, dates that do not have data are included in the chart by default. 

Include Null Dates by Default

This setting is only available when the Chart Type is set to Bar, and the selected Group Output By column is a date. If enabled, enrollments that have a null value for the selected Group Output By column are included in the chart by default.

For example, suppose your Enrollment Report reports on enrollments by due date. If this setting is enabled, enrollments that have a null completion date (i.e., enrollments with an Incomplete status) are included in the report. 

If the setting is disabled, the Distinct Enrollments value may not match the total of the data series shown in the chart. 

If the Allow Edit option is enabled, users will be able to change this setting when they run the report.

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