Setting Up an External Storefront with 1Shopping Cart
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Setting Up an External Storefront with 1Shopping Cart

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Article summary

In order to use this feature, be sure to enable eCommerce for your account.

Merchant API Key and Notification URL

Do the following from 1Shopping Cart:

  1. From the My Account menu, select the API, then API Settings menu option.

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  1. Use the current API key or click Generate New Key to generate a new key.
  2. If you would like to specify a notification URL, set your notification URL to the URL below.{YOUR_MERCHANT_ID}

Not sure if you want to set a notification URL? Read here to learn more.

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  1. Click Save.

Setting Up Products

To set up your products:

  1. From the Products menu, select Manage Products.

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  1. Click Create New, or select an existing product to modify.
  2. Select the Details tab.
  3. In the SKU field, enter the SmarterU subscription variant's SKU or the learning plan's ID
  4. If you would like to set up a Thank You page URL:
    1. Select the Links tab.
    2. Set your Thank You page URL to the URL below:{YOUR_MERCHANT_ID}
Not sure if you want to set a notification URL? Read here to learn more.
  1. Set your external storefront redirect URL to your old Thank You page URL. 

Thank You Page or Notification URL

There are two ways 1ShoppingCart can notify SmarterU of completed purchases.

  • Thank You page - After a customer pays for an order, they are redirected to a Thank You page. If you set SmarterU as a Thank You page, you will need to specify a redirect URL on your external storefront. Customers will be sent to this page after the order is processed by SmarterU. You can specify a Thank You page for your entire store, or for individual products. The latter is a good option if you sell products that are not SmarterU courses and/or you want orders to be sent to SmarterU immediately. 
  • Notification URL - If you use a notification URL, 1ShoppingCart will send the order information to this URL. The information is not sent immediately. This is a good option if all your products are SmarterU courses. 

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