External Storefront: Configuration
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External Storefront: Configuration

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Article summary

In order to use this feature, be sure to enable eCommerce for your account.

These external storefront settings are located in the Configuration accordion of the Add/Edit External Storefront workscreen.



Notifications (required)

Enter the email addresses to notify when an error occurs.

Group (required)

Select the group that users who purchase from the storefront will be added to. The enrollment will also occur in the selected group.

External Type (required)

Select the third-party eCommerce you would like to integrate with the storefront:

We will be sunsetting the Shopify App on July 24, 2024. Alternatively, please set up your external storefront with a Shopify webhook or another provider.
The remaining fields in the Configuration accordion will vary based on the selected external type. Scroll down to view a specific type for details.


1Shopping Cart



Enrolled By

The user whose name will be associated with enrollments from the storefront.

Merchant ID

Enter the merchant ID that you received from 1ShoppingCart.


Enter the API key generated by 1ShoppingCart.

Redirect URL

If you did not specify a Notification URL in 1ShoppingCart, enter a Thank You URL

For information on setting up your merchant API key, notification URL, products, and thank you page, refer to Setting Up an External Storefront with 1Shopping Cart.





Enrolled By

The user whose name will be associated with enrollments from the storefront.


Enter the URL for your Magento store.

For information on setting up SmarterU's extension for Magento, refer to Setting Up an External Storefront with Magento.


Graphical user interface  Description automatically generated with medium confidence



Enrolled By

The user whose name will be associated with enrollments from the storefront.

Merchant ID

Enter the secure account merchant ID provided by PayPal

For information on finding your secure merchant account ID, setting up instant payment notification (IPN), and creating a product button, refer to Setting Up an External Storefront with PayPal.

Shopify App

We will be sunsetting the Shopify App on July 24, 2024. Alternatively, please set up your external storefront with a Shopify webhook or another provider.




Enter your Shopify domain. You should only enter the URL; do NOT include, "http://" or "https://". 

Secret Key

Enter a secret key of your choosing. The secret key that you enter will be applied to the Shopify App.

Shopify Webhook

Graphical user interface, text, application  Description automatically generated



Enrolled By

The user whose name will be associated with enrollments from the storefront.


Enter the URL for your Shopify store

Secret Key

Enter the secret key that was generated by Shopify on the Notification page of your Admin dashboard when you created the webhook.

For information on , refer to Setting Up an External Storefront with the Shopify App.


Graphical user interface, text, application, email  Description automatically generated



Enrolled By

The user whose name will be associated with enrollments from the storefront.


The domain of the Delivery URL that the webhook will send to.

For example, if you set up the Delivery URL in WooCommerce to send to https://my-account-name.smarteru.com, then you should set this value to my-account-name.smarteru.com.

Secret Key

Enter the secret key that was generated by WooCommerce when you created the webhook. These values must exactly match. 

For information on setting up webhooks and products in WooCommerce, refer to Setting Up an External Storefront with WooCommerce.

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