Forms Dashboard
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Forms Dashboard

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Article summary

The Forms Dashboard enables you to view and manage your custom forms such as post-course evaluations, questionnaires, and surveys.

Forms Dashboard 20230901

Who Has Access

Administrators and owners have access to the Forms Dashboard. 

Viewing the Forms Dashboard

To view the Forms Dashboard:

  1. From the Admin menu, select Account Admin.
  2. Select Forms.

Forms Menu

The Forms Dashboard displays. By default the Forms (by name) list option is selected. 

Forms by Name

By default, the right pane displays the Dashboard tab, indicated by the Dashboard icon in the tab. The Dashboard tab displays all forms in a grid.

Forms Dashboard 20230901

Columns in the Grid

The columns in the grid are described below.




The name of the form.


The status of the form (i.e., Active, Inactive).

Created Date

The date the form was added.


The number of times someone completed the form.

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