Exporting a Form's Submissions
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Exporting a Form's Submissions

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Article summary

The form export functionality is only available to administrators. 

You can export a form's responses to a CSV file. The responses will be sent using the Queued Exports Notification email which will include a ZIP file with two CSV files: one for active questions, the other for inactive questions. 

In addition to the form's questions and the user's responses, the CSV file also includes the following information:

  • If a user submitted a comment for a question that had its Prompt for Comment setting is enabled, the comment is included in the column to the right of their response to the question.
  • Each attachment that was submitted with a form will include a URL in the CSV file to access the attachment. If more than one file was uploaded, the URLs will be delimited with a comma. In order to access the attachment, you must be logged into SmarterU.

Form Export CSV 20230217(1)

To export a form's submissions:

  1. From the Admin menu, select Account Admin.
  2. Select Forms.

Forms Menu 20210810

The Forms Dashboard displays. By default the Forms (by name) list option is selected. 

  1. Select the form.
  2. Click Export.

Export Button 20230223

The Export Notification window displays.

  1. In the Send Email To field, enter the email addresses of the users who should receive the link to the file. To specify multiple email addresses, separate each one with a comma. 
  2. Click Confirm.

When the export file is ready to be downloaded, an email is sent to the specified email addresses.

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