Page: Configuration for Custom Menu Pages
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Page: Configuration for Custom Menu Pages

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Article summary

These dashboard set page settings are only applicable if the page's Type setting is set to Custom Menu. These settings are located in the Configuration accordion of the Add/Edit Category Page workscreen. 




The website you would like to direct users to when they click the custom menu item. You may enter a valid URL including parameters, or use any of the custom menu variables as parameters to pass through the URL.

Append HMAC

If enabled, a secret key is used to generate an HMAC hash which allows the receiving site to validate that the link originated from SmarterU and that the data included in the URL hasn't been tampered with. 

If you think your data has been compromised, you can re-generate the secret key by clicking Regenerate.

Secret Key

The HMAC hash that the receiving site can use to validate that the link originated from a SmarterU user. 

Custom Menu Variables

The following variables can be specified in your custom menu's URL. Doing so will substitute the variable with the actual value. For example, suppose a user's employee ID is 12345. Specifying the URL:[SU-EMP-ID]

Would result in the following when the user clicks the custom menu:

Custom Menu Variable



The SmarterU user ID of the currently logged in user. 


The employee ID of the currently logged in user.  


The email address of the currently logged in user. 


The time when the link was clicked, in UNIX format.

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