Page: Main
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Page: Main

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Article summary

A page's main settings are located in the Main accordion of the Add/Edit Category Page workscreen. 

Interface gráfica do usuário, Texto, Aplicativo  Descrição gerada automaticamente



The name of the page.


Select the category that you want to add the page to. This setting defaults to the category from which you added the page, but you can select a different category.


Select the status of the page:

  • Active - The page displays.
  • Inactive - The page does not display. 

No Data Hide

Select whether the page displays when it contains no data:

  • Yes - The page is hidden when it contains no data.
  • No - The page displays even if it contains no data.

Display on Side Navigation

Select whether the page's label displays in the menu of the learner interface:

  • Yes - The page's label displays in the learner interface's menu. 
  • No - The page's label does not display in the learner interface's menu. Learners who are assigned the dashboard set will not be able to access the page from the menu. This option is particularly useful when you want a page to only be accessible from a widget. 


Select the type of page you would like to create.



Displays courses on the page. Configuration settings for the page type are available. 

Custom Menu

Displays a link to an external site. Configuration settings for the page type are available.

Custom Page

Displays a customized page that can include any of the other page types or widgets. Custom pages are configured using the Custom Page Builder

External Course Submission

Displays a form that enables the learner to submit courses that they've completed outside of the organization. Configuration settings for this page type are available. 

FormDisplays forms assigned to the learner. Configuration settings for this page type are available. 

Knowledge Base

Displays a knowledge base's contents on the page. Configuration settings for the page type are available.


Displays the user's or group's points earned and their ranking compared to other users or groups. Configuration settings for the page type are available.

Learner Summary

Displays a summary of the learner's enrollments, certifications, and actions. This page type does not have any configuration settings.

Learning Plan

Displays the learning plans assigned to the learner. Configuration settings for the page type are available.


Displays a timeline of the learner's completed courses. Configuration settings for the page type are available.

Waiting List

Displays the courses for which the learner is on the waiting list. This page type does not have any configuration settings.


Action Status

The Action Status widget displays a donut chart summarizing the learner's assigned actions by status. The same chart is displayed on the Learner Summary page.

This widget does not have any configuration settings.

Certification Status

The Certification Status widget displays a donut chart summarizing the learner's assigned certifications by status. The same chart is displayed on the Learner Summary page.

This widget does not have any configuration settings.


The Engagement widget displays a chart of the learner's logins, course completions, course enrollments, and number of minutes spent in courses by month. This is the same chart displayed on the Learner Summary page.

This widget does not have any configuration settings. 

Enrollment Status

The Enrollment Status widget displays a donut chart that summarizes the learner's enrollments by status. This is the same chart displayed on the Learner Summary page.

This widget does not have any configuration settings.


The Image widget enables you to display an image on the page. You can display an existing image page from the dashboard set, or add a new image page from the Custom Page Builder

Configuration settings are available for this widget. 

Monthly Enrollments

The Monthly Enrollments widget displays a stacked bar chart with the learner's enrollments by month. This is the same chart displayed on the Learner Summary page.

This widget does not have any configuration settings. 

My Profile

The My Profile widget displays the learner's contact card. 

This widget does not have any configuration settings. 

This is the same contact card displayed on the Learner Summary page.

Point History

The Point History widget displays the points that the learner has earned. This is similar to the point history displayed on a leaderboard page.

Configuration settings are available for this widget.

Point Ranking

The Point Ranking widget displays the learner's rank for a point tracker. This is similar to the point ranking displayed on a leaderboard page.

Configuration settings are available for this widget.


The Text widget enables you to display text on the page. 

Configuration settings are available for this widget. 


The Video widget enables you to display a video on the page. 

Configuration settings are available for this widget. 

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