Dashboard Set Page Examples
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Dashboard Set Page Examples

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Article summary

There are a number of page types that you can add to your dashboard sets. Although it's not a comprehensive list of every possible page that can be added to your dashboard set, it highlights some of the more frequently added pages. 

Course Page Type

Completed Courses

A completed courses page displays the courses a learner has completed. In order for the course to be considered Completed, the learner must not be currently enrolled in the course, and the learner must not be able to self-enroll in it. 

Completed Courses

For details on adding a page of completed courses to a dashboard set, refer to Adding a Completed Courses Page.

Course Calendar

A calendar page provides learners a familiar way to view courses. The courses displayed will depend on a variety of settings, including the course states and course types that are specified for the page. 

Calendário  Descrição gerada automaticamente

For details on adding a calendar to a dashboard set, refer to Adding a Course Calendar Page

Course Catalog

A course catalog page is useful if you allow learners to self-enroll in courses

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For details on adding a course catalog to a dashboard set, refer to Adding a Course Catalog.

Enrolled Courses

An enrolled courses page displays the courses in which a learner has an active enrollment. 

The details displayed for the course depend on a variety of factors, including the course type, layout, and whether the learner has previously completed the course. Refer to Learner Interface: Course Details Page for details. 

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For details on adding a page of the learner's enrolled courses to a dashboard set, refer to Adding an Enrolled Courses Page

Custom Page Type

A custom page lets you display different types of information on a dashboard set's page. For example, you can display charts showing a learner's enrollment status and monthly engagement, course enrollments, and knowledge base on one page.

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For details on adding a custom page to a dashboard set, refer to Adding a Custom Page.

External Course Submission

An external course submission page enables learners to record courses or training that they've taken with other organizations. 

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For details on adding an external course submission page to a dashboard set, refer to Adding an External Course Submission Page

Learning Plan Page Type

Flat Learning Plan

A flat learning plan page displays a to do list of all of the actions and courses that are assigned to a learner as part of their learning plans. 

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For details on adding a to do list page to a dashboard set, refer to Adding a Flat Learning Plan Page.

Learning Plan Catalog

Interface gráfica do usuário, Aplicativo  Descrição gerada automaticamente

A learning plan catalog displays a page with all of the following:

For details on adding a learning plan catalog to a dashboard set, refer to Adding a Learning Plan Catalog.

Structured Learning Plan

A structured learning plan page lets learners drill down to view the certifications, requirements, actions, and courses associated with their assigned learning plans. 

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For details on adding a structured learning plan page to a dashboard set, refer to Adding a Structured Learning Plan Page

Knowledge Base Page Type

A knowledge base page displays the articles and files in a knowledge base. 

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For details on adding a knowledge base page to a dashboard set, refer to Adding a Knowledge Base Page


If you're using the points and rewards feature, you may want to consider adding a leaderboard page. A leaderboard page includes both the point history and point ranking for the learner or for their home group. 

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If you only want to include the point history or the point ranking, you can create a custom page and only include the point history widget or point ranking widget

For details on adding a leaderboard page to a dashboard set, refer to Adding a Leaderboard Page.


A timeline provides learners a graphical display of the courses they've completed. If the account's points and rewards functionality is enabled, the learner will also be able to view the points they've earned.

Gráfico, Histograma  Descrição gerada automaticamente

For details on adding a completed courses timeline to a dashboard set, refer to Adding a Timeline Page

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