Learner Dashboard Examples
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Learner Dashboard Examples

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Article summary

Below is an example of a dashboard set with a description of its categories and pages

New to SmarterU? Discover how you can use the Learner Dashboard Builder to customize the learner experience.

SmarterU Academy

The SmarterU Academy's dashboard set has two categories: My Academy and Help. 

SUA Example - Categories 20220621

Within the My Academy category is the SmarterU Administrator page, which is a custom page that includes four widgets. At the top of the page are an image widget and a text widget. At the bottom of the page are a learning plans widget that uses the flat layout and a courses widget that displays completed courses

SUA Example - Custom Page 20220621

The Completed Courses page is a course page that's configured to only display the learner's completed courses.

SUA Example - Completed Courses 20220621

The My Transcripts page is a timeline page

SUA Example - Timeline 20220621

You can also add custom pages to your learner dashboard. Check out our Custom Page Examples article to learn more!

Within the Help category there are three custom menu pages. 

SUA Example - Custom Menu Pages 20220621

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