Custom Page Widgets
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Custom Page Widgets

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Article summary

This page describes the widgets that are available in the Custom Page Builder.

Graphical user interface, text  Description automatically generated

Action Status

The Action Status widget displays a donut chart summarizing the learner's assigned actions by status. The same chart is displayed on the Learner Summary page.

Graphical user interface  Description automatically generated with medium confidence

This widget does not have any configuration settings. 

Certification Status

The Certification Status widget displays a donut chart summarizing the learner's assigned certifications by status. The same chart is displayed on the Learner Summary page.

Graphical user interface  Description automatically generated with medium confidence

This widget does not have any configuration settings. 


The Courses widget displays a course page. You can display an existing course page from the dashboard set, or add a new course page from the Custom Page Builder

Table  Description automatically generated

Configuration settings are available for this widget. 


The Engagement widget displays a chart of the learner's logins, course completions, course enrollments, and number of minutes spent in courses by month. This is the same chart displayed on the Learner Summary page.

Chart  Description automatically generated

This widget does not have any configuration settings. 

Enrollment Status

The Enrollment Status widget displays a donut chart that summarizes the learner's enrollments by status. The same chart is displayed on the Learner Summary page.

A picture containing graphical user interface  Description automatically generated

This widget does not have any configuration settings.


The Image widget enables you to display an image on the page. You can display an existing image page from the dashboard set, or add a new image page from the Custom Page Builder

A person wearing a white hat and smiling at the camera  Description automatically generated with medium confidence

Configuration settings are available for this widget. 

Knowledge Base

The Knowledge Base widget displays a knowledge base page. You can display an existing knowledge base page, or add a new page from the Custom Page Builder

Graphical user interface, application  Description automatically generated

Configuration settings are available for this widget. 

Learning Plans

The Learning Plans widget displays a learning plan page. You can display an existing learning plan page, or add a new page from the Custom Page Builder

Example Learning Plan Pages 20220621

Configuration settings are available for this widget. 

Monthly Enrollments

The Monthly Enrollments widget displays a stacked bar chart with the learner's enrollments by month. The same chart displays on the Learner Summary page.

Chart  Description automatically generated

This widget does not have any configuration settings. 

My Profile

The My Profile widget displays the learner's contact card. The same contact card displays on the Learner Summary page.

Graphical user interface, text, application, chat or text message  Description automatically generated

This widget does not have any configuration settings. 

Point History

The Point History widget displays the points that the learner has earned. This is similar to the point history displayed on a leaderboard page.

Graphical user interface, text, application, chat or text message  Description automatically generated

Configuration settings are available for this widget. 

Point Ranking

The Point Ranking widget displays the learner's rank for a point tracker. This is similar to the point ranking displayed on a leaderboard page.

Graphical user interface  Description automatically generated with low confidence

Configuration settings are available for this widget. 


The Text widget enables you to display text on the page. 

Graphical user interface, text, application, email  Description automatically generated

Configuration settings are available for this widget. 


The Timeline widget displays a timeline page. You can display an existing timeline page, or add a new page from the Custom Page Builder

Chart, histogram  Description automatically generated

Configuration settings are available for this widget. 


The Video widget enables you to display a video on the page. 

Graphical user interface, application  Description automatically generated

Configuration settings are available for this widget. 

Waiting List

The Waiting List widget displays a waiting list page. You can display an existing waiting list page, or add a new page from the Custom Page Builder

Graphical user interface, text, application  Description automatically generated

This widget does not have any configuration settings. 

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