Page: Configuration for Form Pages
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Page: Configuration for Form Pages

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Article summary

These dashboard set page settings are only applicable if the page's Type setting is set to Forms. These settings are located in the Configuration accordion of the Add/Edit Category Page workscreen.

Add Edit Category Page - Configuration Forms 20221013

A forms page only displays internal forms created with SmarterU's form builder

Settings: Layout Options

Available Layouts

Select the layouts that will be available to learners:

  • Tile - Displays forms in a grid format. 
  • List - Displays forms in a linear format.

Default Layout

Select the layout that's displayed to learners by default:

  • Tile - Displays forms in a grid format. 
  • List - Displays forms in a linear format.

Settings: Form Visibility Options

Include Form States

Select which form states are displayed on the page:

  • Pending - Displays forms that the learner has not yet responded to.
  • Submitted - Displays forms that the learner has responded to.

Include Source Types

Select which form sources are displayed on the page:

  • Attached - Displays forms assigned to a course as its post-course evaluation.
  • Standalone - Displays forms that are independent of a course.

Setting: Learner Interaction Options


Enable to allow learners to search for forms on the page

Filter by Form State

Enable to allow learners to filter the forms by their state (i.e., pending, submitted).

Filter by Source Type

Enable to allow learners to filter the forms by their type (i.e., attached, standalone).

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