Page: Configuration for External Course Submission Pages
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Page: Configuration for External Course Submission Pages

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Article summary

In order to use this feature, be sure to enable external course submissions for your account.

These dashboard set page settings are only applicable if the page's Type setting is set to External Course Submission. These settings are located in the Configuration accordion of the Add/Edit Category Page workscreen. 



Add a Custom Message

Enable this setting if you'd like to enter a custom message at the top of the external course submission page. 

Custom message

You can use the WYSIWYG editor to format the message. Not all options listed on the WYSIWYG Editor page are available in the Add/Edit Category Page workscreen. 

Customize Point Tracker Label

This setting is only applicable if the account's Enable Point Tracker setting is checked and the Enable Fixed Increment setting is unchecked.

By default, the label for the field where learners enter their points earned displays the name of the account's selected external course submission point tracker

Point Tracker Name

Enable this setting if you'd like to enter a custom label for the field where learners enter the points that they earned for the external course submission.

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