PowerPoint to SCORM Converter FAQs
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PowerPoint to SCORM Converter FAQs

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Article summary

What are the requirements for the PowerPoint file?

Refer to the SmarterU File Uploads page.

Can SmarterU convert iSpring quizzes, audio, or characters?

The converter is designed to convert PowerPoint presentations (i.e., .ppt and .pptx). If you have any content from a third-party system (e.g., iSpring) added to your PowerPoint, the additional content will not convert. Any content added natively to the PowerPoint (e.g., narrations, animations, and transitions) should convert properly.

Can I enroll learners in a course while it's converting?

It depends on whether the file being converted is for a new SCORM course, or an existing one. 

If you are uploading a PowerPoint presentation for a new course, the course status will be set to Archived until the conversion completes. During this time, you will not be able to enroll anyone in the course. 

If you are uploading a PowerPoint presentation for an existing course, learners who were previously enrolled in the course will not be affected by the conversion. When a learner starts a SCORM course (including PPTs converted to SCORM), they are locked into a snapshot of the course at the time they started it. Therefore, if you update a course with new content, the learner will continue to receive the version of the course that was in place when they started the course. 

Will custom fonts be converted?

In order for a font to be properly converted, the font needs to be installed on SmarterU's servers. Missing fonts will be defaulted to a known font which may have a negative impact to the course design.

Refer to the list of supported fonts to learn whether your font is supported. 

We recommend that you review all converted courses to ensure that all design elements are displaying properly.

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