Previewing an Email Template
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Previewing an Email Template

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Article summary

Previewing an email template enables you to see how it looks when it is sent to users.


There are two options for previewing an email template.

Option 1

  1. From the Admin menu, select Account Admin
  2. Select Email Management. The Email Management Dashboard displays.
  3. View the email templates by name, email type, or language.
  4. Click the email template you would like to preview. A tab labeled with the selected email template's name displays in the right pane.
  5. Click Preview

Preview Button

Option 2

  1. From the Admin menu, select Account Admin
  2. Select Email Management. The Email Management Dashboard displays.
  3. Click the number in the Total Templates column for the email type you would like to preview.

Total Templates

A tab displays a grid that is filtered for the selected email type.

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  1. Click the Preview beside the email template you would like to preview.

Preview Icon

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