Release Notes: 2022 June 25
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Release Notes: 2022 June 25

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Article summary

Action Tags

We've added the ability to assign tags to actions

Add Edit Action - Tags 20220520

Tags and values assigned to an action display when you view the tag's associations in the Tag Management Dashboard, and in the learner interface.

We also updated the following API methods to reflect this enhancement:

System-Wide Updates

Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an issue that caused scheduled reminders to be sent to learners who completed their enrollments. 

Account Administration

Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an issue that incorrectly allowed workscreens related to a proctoring service to be accessible when the proctoring service was disabled for the account
  • We fixed a typo in an error message displayed from the Add/Edit Point Tracker workscreen.
  • We fixed an issue on the Add/Edit Requirement workscreen where filtering the actions or courses grid to show no rows prevented the total number of rows (i.e., 0) from displaying. 
  • We fixed the header displayed on PDF exports from the Supervisor Dashboard. Prior to this release, the PDF's header was incorrectly "Admin Dashboard" instead of "Supervisor Dashboard".



  • We made improvements to ensure that API requests could not be processed on inactive accounts.  
  • We updated the listUsers API method to allow for sorting and filtering by teams, learner name, and employee ID. You can now also specify the number of records returned. 
  • We updated the listCredentials API method so that you can sort the results by the action's expiration date or status, and specify the number of actions that the method should return.
  • We updated the createCredential, getCredential, and updateCredential API methods to include the action's training cost.
  • We added the getUserSupervisees API method that returns a user's supervisees.

Bug Fixes

  • We fixed the error message displayed for updateCredential API requests. Prior to this release, the message incorrectly said it was for the createCredential API method. 

Course Administration


Email Management

Bug Fixes

Learning Plans

Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an issue that prevented a re-activated user from receiving updates to a learning plan that occurred while their user account was inactive

Report Administration

Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an issue that caused custom field values prefixed with a "-" in a Learning Plan Report to be incorrectly exported to an XLS file. 

User Administration

Bug Fixes

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