Setting Up Standalone Forms
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Setting Up Standalone Forms

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Article summary

Unlike forms that are used for post-course evaluations, standalone forms are not tied to a course. For example, you might want to use a standalone form to gauge interest in a particular topic or event.

The grid below compares standalone forms to forms used for post-course evaluations.

Standalone FormPost-Course Evaluation
Can be created using the SmarterU form builder
Can be created using third-party software
Associated with a courseX
Submissions can be exported
User must be logged in to access form

To set up a standalone form:

  1. Create a form using SmarterU's form builder, or a third-party tool.
  2. From the Forms Dashboard, view the form.
  3. Click Copy Link

Copy Link Button 20230901

  1. Share the link to the form with your users. 
Users must be logged into SmarterU to respond to the form.

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