Team: Users
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Team: Users

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Article summary

Adding Users to a New Team

To add users to a new team:

  1. From the Team Profile workscreen, expand the Users accordion. By default, the grid displays all active users that you have permission to view. 
  2. To add a user to the team, click the displayed beside the user's name. To add all users to the team, click Assign All. The selected user rows are shaded.
  3. Click Save.

Adding Users to an Existing Team

To add users to an existing team:

  1. From the Team Profile workscreen, expand the Users accordion. 
  2. Click User.

The All Users tab displays a list of users not in the team.

  1. Click the  beside the user you would like to add to the team. The selected user's row is shaded.
  2. Click Save.

Removing Users from a Team

To remove a user from the team:

  1. From the Team Profile workscreen, expand the Users accordion. 
  2. Click the beside the user you would like to remove from the team. To remove all users from the team, click Unassign All
  3. Click Save.

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