User: Activity Log
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User: Activity Log

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Article summary

Notes and system-triggered events related to a user display in the Activity Log accordion of the User Profile page. System-triggered events include when a user:

  • Logs in
  • Starts a course
  • Completes a course
  • Logs external training
  • Gains or loses a learning plan or certification
  • Has a wage entered

Activity Log

A grid displays the activities related to the user. The columns of the grid are described below.



Date & Time

The date and time the entry was added to the user's activity log.


Indicates how the entry was added:

  • Manual - a user added the activity log entry. 
  • System - the entry was added by the system.


Information about the activity.

Created By

Indicates who added the entry to the activity log. If the activity was system-generated, System displays in the column. If the activity log entry was manually added, the name of the user selected from the Created By list displays. 

Entered By

Indicates the user who triggered the activity to be logged. If the activity was a result of something the user did, the user's name displays. If the activity log entry was manually added, the name of the user who added the entry to the activity log displays.

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