Variant: Duration
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Variant: Duration

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Article summary

These variant settings are located in the Duration accordion of the Add/Edit Variant workscreen.

Duration Accordion


Be sure to click Save after changing any of these settings.


The duration of the variant. 

  • Unlimited - the subscription does not expire. 
  • Days - the subscription expires after the specified number of days from the date it is given to a user. The subscriptions start and end times will be calculated from the time the user is enrolled in the subscription. For example, if the user is enrolled in a subscription today at 10:31 AM and the number of days is set to 30, the subscription will expire 30 days from today at 10:31 AM.
  • Date - the subscription begins on the specified Start Date at 12:00 AM and expires on the specified End Date at 11:59 PM.


This setting is only available when Duration setting is set to Days. The number of days after the subscription is assigned to the group before it expires. 

Start Date

This setting is only available when Duration setting is set to Date. Select the date on which the subscription begins.

End Date

This setting is only available when Duration setting is set to Date. Select the date on which the subscription expires.

Editing a Variant's Duration Example

Suppose a subscription variant is created on January 1, 2018 and its duration is 365 days. 

On April 1, 2018, Learner A is enrolled in the variant. The duration is 365 days so the learner's subscription ends on April 1, 2019.

Suppose that on May 1, 2018, the variant's duration is changed. Instead of expiring after 365 days, the duration expires on December 31, 2018. Because Learner A was enrolled in the variant prior to this change, their subscription's end date will not change. It will remain April 1, 2019. 

On May 31, 2018, Learner B is enrolled in the subscription variant. Because the variant's duration ends on December 31, 2018 at the time the learner is enrolled, the expiration for Learner B's subscription is December 31, 2018. 

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