Variant: Main
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Variant: Main

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Article summary

These settings are located in the Main accordion of the Add/Edit Variant workscreen.

Main Accordion


Be sure to click Save after changing these settings.

Subscription (required)

Select the subscription to which you are adding a variant.

Name (required)

Enter a name for the variant. You may want to include an identifier in the name to indicate which subscription the variant belongs to.

Status (required)

Select the status of the variant:

  • Active - users can be enrolled in the variant.
  • Inactive - users cannot be enrolled in the variant.


This setting is only available when the account's eCommerce setting is checked. This setting indicates whether the variant will be available for eCommerce:

  • Enabled - the course is available for eCommerce. If enabled, a SKU is required.
  • Disabled - the course is not available for eCommerce.

SKU (required if eCommerce setting is enabled)

This setting is only available when the account's eCommerce setting is checked. A SKU is required if the eCommerce is enabled. 

Enter the variant's SKU that will be used in the external storefront. SKUs are limited to A-Z, 0-9, and dashes.

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