Accessing Your SmarterU Certified Administrator Training
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Accessing Your SmarterU Certified Administrator Training

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Article summary

The SmarterU Academy's Certified Administrator training is a series of eLearning modules that cover all aspects of SmarterU. After enrolling in the training, you can access the modules at

Your SmarterU Certified Administrator training is available from the SmarterU Administrator menu option. 

Interface gráfica do usuário, Aplicativo  Descrição gerada automaticamente

The To Do section of the page lists the courses that you're enrolled in that still need to be completed. Click the arrow beside the course name to view the course's details and access the course. The Completed Courses section displays the courses that you've finished. 

SUA ToDo 20230105(1)

You can also access the courses that you've finished by selecting the Completed Courses menu option.  

SUA Completed Courses 20230105

The My Transcript menu option displays a graphical timeline of the courses you've completed. 

SUA My Transcript 20230105

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