Action: Expiration
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Action: Expiration

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Article summary

An action's expiration settings specify if, and when, an action will no longer be valid. These settings are located in the Expiration accordion of the Add/Edit Action workscreen.

If an action's status expires, it may affect the status of the requirements, certifications, and learning plans that contain it. For example, suppose the Vision and Hearing Exam action is part of the mandatory Workplace Safety requirement. If a user's Vision and Hearing Exam expires, it causes the status of their Workplace Safety requirement, Safety certification, and Floor Supervisor learning plan to be Not Met.

If you want all actions and courses in a requirement to expire at the same time, you should set the expiration at the requirement level.



Indicates whether there's a date that the action ceases to be valid.

Warning Period Should Start

This setting is only applicable if the Expires setting is set to Yes.

The number of days prior to the action's expiration when the status will change to Warning.

Expiration Date Options

This setting is only available if the action expires. Select how you want the action's expiration to be calculated:

This Action is Valid For

This field is only applicable if the Expires setting is set to Yes and the Expiration Date Option setting is set to By Days. Enter the number of days that the action will be valid. 

This Action is Valid Until

This field is only applicable if the Expires setting is set to Yes and the Expiration Date Option setting is set to By Date. Enter the month and day that the action will expire.

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