Action Status Summary
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Action Status Summary

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Article summary

Several dashboards in SmarterU include a summary of actions at the top of the workscreen and in the grid. 

Gráfico  Descrição gerada automaticamente com confiança média

The action status numbers contained in the summary are described below.

  • Actions Accepted - The number of unique actions that have been confirmed. For example, this would include an action that was confirmed by a learner's supervisor. This also includes actions that do not require confirmation that were submitted by the learner.
  • Actions Reviewed - The number of unique actions that are waiting for activity from a user other than the learner to which the action was assigned. For example, this would include an action that requires confirmation from a learner's supervisor.
  • Actions Pending - The number of unique action assignments that are waiting for activity from learners.
  • Actions Total - The number of unique actions defined in the account.

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