Instructor-Led Course Learner Summary
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Instructor-Led Course Learner Summary

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Article summary

The summary of learners enrolled in instructor-led courses appears on several pages in SmarterU including the Courses Dashboard and the ILT Attendance Dashboard

Interface gráfica do usuário, Aplicativo  Descrição gerada automaticamente

The numbers contained in the summary are detailed below.

  • Unconfirmed - The number of learners who have been enrolled in the course and have not yet confirmed whether they'll attend the course.
  • Attending - The number of learners who have been enrolled in the course and have indicated that they will attend. 
The sum of unconfirmed and attending learners affect the session's capacity. For example, suppose a session has a capacity of 10. If 5 learners are unconfirmed and 3 learners have indicated that they are attending, there will be 2 seats available in the session.
  • Not Attending - The number of learners who have been enrolled in the course and have indicated that they will not attend. Learners who have indicated they are not attending are NOT included in calculating the session's capacity.
  • Attended - The number of learners that are marked as "Attended" in the ILT Attendance Dashboard.
  • Cancelled - The session was canceled from the Courses Dashboard. All learners who were enrolled in the session will be moved to the Canceled status for reporting purposes. 
  • Did Not Attend - The number of learners who did not have the Attended checkbox checked when the session was finalized. This includes learners who indicated they would attend the course, but did not show up and learners who were unconfirmed when the session is finalized. 
  • Completed - The number of learners that are marked as "Completed" in the ILT Attendance Dashboard.

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