ILT Attendance: Viewing Session Details
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ILT Attendance: Viewing Session Details

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Viewing Session Details

To view a session's details from the ILT Attendance page:

  1. From the Admin menu, expand Course Admin
  2. Select ILT Attendance. The ILT Attendance Dashboard displays.
  3. View the course's details.
  4. From course's Session Details section, click the session.

Selecting Session

The session's details display.

The sum of unconfirmed and attending learners affect the session's capacity. For example, suppose a session has a capacity of 10. If 5 learners are unconfirmed and 3 learners have indicated that they are attending, there will be 2 seats available in the session. Session Details

Much of the information on the session details workscreen is similar to what's shown for the course. The section that displays at the bottom of the workscreen enables you to generate course certificates for learners, enroll learners in the session, email enrolled learners, and download a roster for the session. The grid displays the enrolled learners and ways for you to record the learner's attendance, completion status, grade, and in some instances, edit points earned.

Below the grid are controls to assign the same grade to all learners, download a PDF of all learners enrolled in the session, mark all learners as attended, and mark all learners as completing the course.

Columns in the Grid

Most of the columns displayed in the session details grid are determined by the columns specified for the account




The first column in the grid displays a Trophy which allows you to display the learner's course completion certificate.

The course completion certificate only displays if the learner completed the course and the session was finalized.


The learner's name.


The columns between the Learner column and Attending? column will depend on your account's settings for the user grid.

Table  Description automatically generated

EvaluationIndicates whether the learner completed the session's post-course evaluation:
  • N/A - The session does not have a post-course evaluation.
  • Evaluation - Gray Checkmark 20230320 - The learner has not yet submitted the post-course evaluation.
  • Evaluation - Green Checkmark 20230320 -The learner has submitted the post-course evaluation.


If the learner was enrolled in the course by another user, this column specifies whether the learner is planning to attend the session.

  • Attending - The learner has indicated that they will attend. 
Learners who self enrolled in the session will be automatically marked as attending.
  • Unconfirmed - The learner has not yet confirmed whether they'll attend the course.


A checkbox that enables the instructor to record whether the learner attended the session.


A checkbox that enables the instructor to record whether the learner completed the session.


If the session is graded, enter or select the learner's grade.


If points and rewards are enabled for the account, the Points column displays one of the following icons:

  • Checkmark Green Circle 20210811(1) - The points the learner will earn for the course have not been edited.
  • X Red Circle 20210809(1) - The learner is not currently earning points for the course. This icon typically displays when the Attended checkbox is unchecked.
  • Circle Half Filled Blue 20210816(1) - The points the learner will earn for the course have been edited.
  • Exclamation Black In Circle 20210816(1) - There are errors that need to be corrected before points can be assigned to the learner. For example, if you check the Attended and Completed checkboxes for a graded course, but don't provide a grade.

If the learner attended and completed the session, you can click the   in the column to the right of the Points column to edit the points the learner will earn.

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