Viewing a Course's Details
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Viewing a Course's Details

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Article summary

Who Has Access

The following users can view course details:

Viewing a Course's Details

To view a course's details:

  1. From the Admin menu, select Account Admin.
  2. Select Courses. The Courses Dashboard displays. 
  3. Click the name of the course. The course's details display in a new tab.

Course Details 20230213

The following information displays at the top of the page:


The type of course (i.e., online, SCORM, or instructor-led).


Indicates whether the course is active, inactive, or archived.

Waiting List Status

This is only applicable to instructor-led courses. Indicates whether the course waiting list is enabled.

Course Waiting

This is only applicable to instructor-led courses that have the course waiting list enabled. The number of learners on the course waiting list.

Session Waiting

This is only applicable to instructor-led courses that have the course waiting list enabled. The total number of learners on the session waiting lists.

Date Created

The date the course was added to SmarterU.

Last Modified

The date the course's settings or content was last updated.

Last Enrolled

The most recent date a learner was enrolled in the course.

Last Completed

The most recent date a learner completed the course. 

Due DateThis is only applicable to courses that have a due date. Indicates whether the course's due date is calculated based on the number of days after enrollment, or if it's a specific date. 
Course is Due WithinThis is only applicable to courses with a due date that's calculated based on the enrollment date. The number of days after enrollment that the course is due. 


The tags and values associated with the group. The associated tags and values display in the format <Tag>:<Value>.

Below the course summary is the course's description and the following sections:

Course Details Section

The following information displays in the Course Details section of the page:

Average Grade

The average grade learners' earned for the course. 

  • The average grade is based on the course or session's settings. 
  • If an online or SCORM course is not graded, Course not graded displays.
  • If all sessions for an instructor-led course are letter graded, 100% displays since a numerical value is not associated with each letter grade.

Average Time to Complete

This is only applicable to online and SCORM courses. The average amount of time it took learners to complete the course.

Average Time in Course

This is only applicable to online and SCORM courses. The average amount of time learners spent in the course.

For SCORM courses this is dependent on whether the course is sending SmarterU duration information. SCORM course durations are approximations and should not be relied upon to be 100% accurate.


The number of groups to which the course has been assigned and their names. If there are a large number of groups, the list may be truncated and display, "and  more" where  is the number of additional groups.

Course Managers

The names of the course managers. Depending on your permissions, you may be able to hover over the course manager's name to view the course manager's contact card. 


The number of prerequisites for the course and the course names. If there are a large number of prerequisites, the list may be truncated and display, "and  more" where  is the number of additional prerequisites.

Current # of Learners

The information displayed in the Current # of Learners grid will depend on the course type. Refer to the Current # of Learners Grid section for details.

Completion Certificate

A thumbnail of the course's completion certificate. Click the thumbnail to view the course certificate.

Viewing Certificate

Current # of Learners Grid

The information displayed in the Current # of Learners grid will depend on the course type. If you have reporting permissions, you can click on any of these numbers to view the Enrollment Report and the learners within each status.

Current Number of Learners

Course Type

What's Displayed

Online and SCORM Courses

For online and SCORM courses, the following totals display:  

  • Enrolled - the number of learners enrolled in the course, but have not yet started it.
  • In Progress - the number of learners who have started the course and are less than 75% through the allotted completion time. If a course or enrollment does not have a due date, it will be counted in the In Progress status when the learner starts the course regardless of how much time has passed.
  • Warning - the number of learners who have started the course, but have not finished it although over 75% of the allotted completion time has passed. This status is only applicable when the course or enrollment has a due date. If a course or enrollment does not have a due date, it will move from the In Progress to the Completed status.
  • Overdue - the number of learners who have started the course, but have exceeded the amount of time that they have to complete it. This status is only applicable when the course or enrollment has a due date. If a course or enrollment does not have a due date, it will move from the In Progress to the Completed status.
  • Completed - the number of learners who have completed the course.


For instructor-led courses, the following totals display:

  • Enrolled - the number of learners enrolled in the course, but have not yet indicated whether or not they will attend.
  • Confirmed - the number of learners enrolled in the course and who have specified their attendance preference (includes learners who have indicated that they will attend and those that will not attend).
  • Attended - the number of learners that are marked as "Attended" in the ILT Attendance Dashboard.
  • Completed - the number of learners that are marked as "Completed" in the ILT Attendance Dashboard.

Session Details Section

The Session Details section only displays for instructor-led courses. By default, the grid in this section displays upcoming sessions. You can use the buttons above the grid to change what sessions are displayed in the grid.

Session Details

The grid contains the following columns below.

For multi-part sessions, each part displays in the grid.


The session's internal identifier. For multi-part type sessions, each part of the session will have an identical ID.

Multi-Part Sessions


Indicates whether the session is single part or multi-part. 

Start Date

The session's start date. For multi-part sessions, this is the start date for the part.

End Date

The session's end date. For multi-part sessions, this is the end date for the part.


Indicates whether the session is active or inactive.

Waiting List

Indicates whether the session waiting list is enabled.


The names of the session instructors. For multi-part sessions, this displays the names of the part's instructors.


The number of learners enrolled in the session.

Webinar Registration Failures

Indicates whether any webinar registration failures occurred for the session.


The session's capacity. For multi-part sessions, this displays the part's capacity.


The number of learners on the session waiting list.


The information displayed depends on the Session Details Type setting for the session or part.

Session Details Type

What's Displayed


The venue and room where the session will take place. For multi-part sessions, this displays the part's venue and room.


A Webinar link displays. Hover over the link to view the URL, or click it to open the URL specified.


The text specified in the session or part's Other setting displays.

If you have permission to add a new session, a button for adding a new session displays below the grid.

Point Trackers Section

In order to use this feature, be sure to enable points and rewards for your account.

Point Trackers

The grid contains the following columns:


Point Tracker

The name of the point tracker assigned to the course

Points Earned

The maximum number of points learners can earn for the point tracker.

Expiry Type

The point tracker's expiration basis.

Expiry Days

This is only applicable when the point tracker's Expiry Basis setting is set to Days After Earned. The number of days after points are earned that they will expire. 

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