Adding a Historical Training Course
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Adding a Historical Training Course

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Article summary

Who Has Access

The following users can add historical training courses:

Adding a Historical Training Course

If you are adding a historical training entry, you may add instructor-led training courses that were previously offered as a historical course. Historical courses will be added as a course with an Inactive status. 

  1. Add a historical training entry to display the Instructor-Led Training Historical Entry workscreen.
  2. Click Course

Add Course

The Course Information workscreen displays.

Course Information

  1. Specify the settings for the historical training course.
  2. Click Save. The Course Information workscreen closes.
  3. Add a session to the historical training course. 


Assign This Course To

Select one of the following:

  • Selected Groups - The course will be added to the group selected from the Group list. 
  • All Groups - The course will be added to all existing groups as well as any new groups that are created in the future.
In order to add a historical training course to a user, the course must exist in the learner's home group.


The group to which the historical course should be added. Select the group from the list.

Course Name

The name of the course.


Course tags are keywords that you can associate with the course. For each tag you would like to add, enter the tag name in the field and press Enter.


A description of the course.

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