Certification: Notifications
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Certification: Notifications

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Article summary

The certification's notification settings control whether a learner, home group contact, and/or custom contact is emailed when a learner completes the certification. 


A learning plan's notifications settings are located in the Notifications accordion of the Add/Edit Certification workscreen. The Notifications accordion displays when you add or edit a certification.


Send Certification Completion Notification

If checked, an email will be sent to the selected recipients (i.e., learner, home group contact, custom contact) when a learner completes the certification.

Send to Learner

If checked, the Certification Completion to Learner email is sent to the learner when they complete the certification. By default, the account's selected Certification Completion to Learner email template will be selected.

To change the selected email template, check the Change Assigned Email Template checkbox and select the email template from the list. Click the  to preview the selected email template.

Send to Home Group Contact

If checked, the Certification Completion to Home Group Contact email is sent to the group's specified contacts. By default, the account's selected Certification Completion to Home Group Contact email template will be selected. 

To change the selected email template, check the Change Assigned Email Template checkbox and select the email template from the list. Click the  to preview the selected email template.

Send to Custom Contact

If checked, the Certification Completion to Custom Contact email is sent to the email addresses specified in the certification's Custom Contact Emails setting. By default, the account's selected Certification Completion to Custom Contact email template will be selected. 

To change the selected email template, check the Change Assigned Email Template checkbox and select the email template from the list. Click the  to preview the selected email template.

Custom Contact Emails

Enter the email addresses to which the Certification Completion to Custom Contact email will be sent when a learner completes the certification. Separate each email address with a comma.

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