Disabling Pop-Up Blockers in Edge for SmarterU
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Disabling Pop-Up Blockers in Edge for SmarterU

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Article summary

You can also check Microsoft's help article for managing pop-up blockers in Edge as a newer version of the browser might have been released since this article was last updated.

SmarterU SCORM courses are launched in a pop-up window. 

If the course doesn't launch, follow the steps below to allow pop-ups from SmarterU in Edge:

  1. Click Launch Course. The course displays in a new window and you do not need to complete the following steps.

If the course does not launch, you may need to enable pop-ups in your browser by completing the following steps.

  1. Click the Edge - Popup Blocked Icon 20221103 that's located in the upper right of the browser tab.

Edge Pop-Up Blocked - Browser Icon 20240717

  1. Select the Always allow pop-ups and redirects option. 

Edge - Allow Pop Ups 20240529

If a different domain is referenced in the window above, allow pop-ups from that domain.
  1. Click Done.
  2. Click Launch Course. The course displays in a new window.
  • If the course does not relaunch automatically, you may need to click Refresh from the Learner Dashboard tab, then relaunch the course manually. 
  • If you are unable to disable pop-up blockers, you should contact your organization's IT department for support.

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