Downloading Quiz Questions
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Downloading Quiz Questions

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Article summary

You can download a PDF file containing your quiz's questions at any time. In the event you want or need to administer your quiz offline, you can print the PDF and distribute it to your learners.

To download your quiz questions:

  1. From the Course Admin menu, select Course Dashboard. The Courses Dashboard displays.
  2. View the course information in the Course Dashboard.
  3. Click Preview. The Course Task List for the selected course displays in a new browser tab.
  4. Expand the chapter containing the quiz.
  5. Click Launch beside the quiz.


  1. From the Printable PDF section of the page, specify the following settings:




Select the group for which you'd like to print the quiz.

Include Question PDF Attachments

Check to include PDF files that are part of a quiz question in the download.

Multiple Questions Per Page

Check to allow multiple questions on each page of the PDF. If unchecked, each question will display on its own page.

Include Correct Answers and Feedback

Check to include the quiz question's correct answer and feedback. 

Printable PDF

  1. Click Download Questions as PDF. The Save As window displays.
  2. Navigate to the location where you would like to save the PDF.
  3. Click Save.

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