eCommerce FAQs
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eCommerce FAQs

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Article summary

How do I sell my courses from a third-party site such as PayPal or Shopify?

If you'd like to sell your courses from a third-party site, you'll need to use SmarterU's external storefront feature

To sell your courses from a third-party site: 

  1. Enable your account's eCommerce setting
  2. Add a subscription variant.
  3. Assign the subscription variant to a new or existing group
  4. Add an external storefront. When adding the storefront, be sure to do the following:

For more information on adding an external storefront, refer to Adding an External Storefront.

My eCommerce purchase isn't creating users or assigning courses. What should I do?

For Shopify, you should:

My user is created, but no courses are assigned to the user. What should I do?

You should:

If the variant's courses have Self-Enroll enabled, the courses will NOT be automatically assigned to the purchaser. The courses will be available for the purchaser to enroll in via the Catalog

  • Wait five minutes and check again. There might be a slight delay as the user is processed.

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