Email FAQs
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Email FAQs

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Article summary

How do I send an email to all learners in an instructor-led course?

Although there is no way to email all learners enrolled in an instructor-led course, you can email all learners enrolled in each session.

Users with access to the ILT Attendance Dashboard can email all learners enrolled in a session by viewing the session's details and clicking Email All Learners. The Email All Learners button is located above the grid of enrolled learners.

After clicking the button, SmarterU will create a new message in your email client with the email addresses of the learners in the To field.

How do I resend the account invitation email?

Refer to Resending the Account Invitation Email for details.

How do I resend the enrollment email?

The only way to resend the course enrollment email to a learner is to unenroll the learner from the course and then re-enroll them. When you re-enroll the learner in the course, be sure that the Send Course Enrollment Email to Learners checkbox is checked.

If a learner has started the course, unenrolling them will cause them to lose all progress in the course.

Can I send an email to all learners enrolled in a course?

There is currently no way to email all learners in your account. However, you can do the following to email learners through your email client:

  1. Run the Enrollment Report.
  2. Export the Enrollment Report to a CSV file.
  3. Open the CSV file and a plain text editor such as Notepad. 
  4. Copy the column containing the email addresses from the CSV file and paste it into the plain text editor.
  5. Create a new email message.
  6. Copy the email addresses from the plain text editor and paste them into your message's To, CC, or BCC field. 

For example, suppose you want to contact everyone who hasn't finished the Employee Onboarding online course. First, we'd apply filters to the Enrollment Report so that it only returned results for the Employee Onboarding course. We'd also filter the report so it didn't include enrollments where the learner had completed the course.

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Next, we'd run the Enrollment Report, then export the results to a CSV file.

Interface gráfica do usuário, Site  Descrição gerada automaticamente

After receiving the Queued Exports Notification email with the CSV file, open the CSV file and a plain text editor such as Notepad. Copy the column containing the email addresses from the CSV file and paste it into the plain text editor.

Interface gráfica do usuário, Texto, Aplicativo  Descrição gerada automaticamente

Finally, copy the email addresses from the plain text editor and paste them into your email message's To, CC, or BCC field.

The number of email addresses allowed in these fields will depend on your email system.

Interface gráfica do usuário, Texto, Aplicativo, Word  Descrição gerada automaticamente

Why is the course enrollment email not being sent?

If users are not receiving the course enrollment email when they are enrolled in a course, you'll want to check that all of the following are true:

How can I send the learning plan assignment email, but NOT the course enrollment email(s)?

To send the learning plan assignment email, but not the course enrollment email(s), be sure that the learning plan's Send Learning Plan Assignment Notification setting is enabled. 

 For the courses in the learning plan, you'll need to review each one to determine whether its Automation Enrollment setting is enabled. If it is, you'll need to set the course's Send Automation Enrollment Notification (for online and SCORM) or its Send Automation Enrollment Session Confirmation Notification (for instructor-led) setting within the requirement block to No.

If you manually enroll learner's in the learning plan's courses, you'll need to ensure that the Send Course Enrollment Email to Learners setting is unchecked.

What's the difference between a scheduled reminder and a pre-session reminder?

Scheduled reminders and pre-session reminders both send email notifications to enrolled learners.

Because scheduled reminders are based on a course’s due date, they’re specific to online and SCORM courses. You have the option to send a scheduled reminder prior to the course's due date, after the due date if the learner hasn't completed the course, or both.

Instructor-led courses don’t have due dates so scheduled reminders aren't applicable. However, you can set up a pre-session reminder that is sent to enrolled learners and instructors before the session starts. 

The following grid summarizes the differences between scheduled reminders and pre-session reminders. 

 Scheduled RemindersPre-Session Reminder
Applicable course typesOnline and SCORMInstructor-led
Notification based onCourse due dateSession start date and time
Notification sent toLearnersLearners and session's instructors
Default email template(s)

Course Due Reminder

Course Past Due Reminder

Session Reminder

Why can't learners see a session's information?

If the learner hasn't completed an instructor-led course's prerequisites, the session's information will not be visible to the learner. The email displays one of the following:

Not Available


Session information will be available once all prerequisites are completed.

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