Editing a Page in a Dashboard Set
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Editing a Page in a Dashboard Set

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Article summary

When you edit a page — either from the Add/Edit Cateogry workscreen, or from the Custom Page Builder — learners who are assigned the dashboard set will see the changes that you've made immediately. Refer to Impact of Editing a Dashboard Set's Page for details.

To edit a page in your dashboard set:

  1. From the Admin menu, select Account Admin.
  2. Select Learner Dashboard Builder. The Learner Dashboard Builder displays.
  3. From the list in the left pane, select Dashboard Sets (by name).

Dashboard Sets by Name

  1. Click the arrows in the left pane to drill down to the page you want to edit.
  2. Click the page's name. The Add/Edit Category Page workscreen displays the page's details.

Editing Page

  1. Edit the page's settings as needed. Information about the various accordions can be found on the pages below:
  1. Click Save.
If the page is used by a widget in a custom page, you can also edit the page's settings from the Custom Page Builder.

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