Enrolling Supervisees from the Manual Enrollment Workscreen
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Enrolling Supervisees from the Manual Enrollment Workscreen

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Article summary

If the account's Supervisor Access setting's Enroll Supervisees option is selected, supervisors will be able to enroll their supervisees in courses and subscriptions from the Manual Enrollment workscreen. Although the steps for enrolling supervisees are the same as what's documented on the Enrolling Users page, there are a few nuances that supervisors should be aware of, especially if they do not have any other permissions. 

When a supervisor enrolls a supervisee into a course or subscription, they will only be able to do so via the supervisee's home group. Supervisors will only have the Enroll By Home Group option available to them. The option to enroll through a specific group will NOT be available unless the supervisor has other permissions, is a course manager, or an administrator or owner

Manual Enrollment - Home Group Only 20221114

In order for the enrollment to succeed, the course or subscription must be assigned to each supervisee's home group. 

The courses and subscriptions listed on the Manual Enrollment workscreen include those that are assigned to at least one of the supervisee's home groups. If the supervisees have different home groups, it's possible that some courses may not be available to all supervisees. Because the preliminary check in the Confirm Update accordion of the Manual Enrollment workscreen may not report this, be sure to review the Course Enrollment email for any unsuccessful enrollments. 

Course Enrollment Email - Unsuccessful 20221205

When enrolling supervises in an instructor-led course, the system defaults to the next available session. To enroll supervisees in a different session, the supervisor may need to modify the enrollment settings for the instructor-led course.  

The Course Enrollment email provides a link to the Enrollment Process Report which include a CSV file that details the enrollments that weren't successful

Enrollment Report Unsuccessful 20221123

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