Enrollment Process Report
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Enrollment Process Report

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Article summary

The Enrollment Process Report summarizes the number of enrollments requested and details regarding successful and unsuccessful enrollments. The Enrollment Process Report is a downloadable ZIP file that is included in the Enrollment Process Complete email.  

The ZIP file contains two CSV files:

  • Successful - the enrollments that were processed successfully.
  • Unsuccessful - the enrollments that were NOT processed successfully. 

The ZIP and CSV files are suffixed with the date and time the enrollment process was run and a reference number. Refer to Columns in the Enrollment Process Report for details on the columns included in the CSV files.

Columns in the Enrollment Process Report 

The Successful and Unsuccessful CSV files contain the following columns:




The learner's surname.

Given Name

The learner's given name.


If the learner was enrolled in a course, the course's name.


If the learner was enrolled in an instructor-led course, the date and time of the session.


The group in which the learner's enrollment was processed.


If the learner was enrolled in a subscription variant, the subscription's name.

Subscription Variant

If the learner was enrolled in a subscription variant, the variant's name.

Skill Profile

If the course is an online course that contains an assessment, the skill profile selected for the enrollment.

Enrollment Tag

Any tags that were associated with the enrollment process. 

Enrollment Status

Indicates whether the enrollment was processed successfully:

  • Yes - the enrollment was processed successfully. 
  • No - the enrollment was not processed successfully. 


For successful enrollments, the Messages column will be blank. 

For unsuccessful enrollments, the column will include a description of why the enrollment process failed. Refer to Troubleshooting Enrollments for details on the most common reasons an enrollment process fails.  

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