Quiz Analysis Report: Columns
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Quiz Analysis Report: Columns

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Article summary

Default Columns

The following columns are included by default in the Quiz Analysis Report's output. These columns are also included when you export the grid's contents.


The name of the course containing the quiz.


The name of the quiz task.


The question text.


The correct answer for the question. For short answer questions, each correct answer displays in its own row in the grid. For long answer questions, "Click question link for details" displays.

Answered Correctly

The Answered Correctly column will only contain a number if the answer option is the correct one. If the answer option is correct, this column displays the number of times the answer option was selected.

If the answer option is incorrect, "N/A" displays in the column. 

Percent Answered

The percentage of times that the answer option was selected.

For long answer questions, this column will always display "100%".

After running the report, you can change the columns displayed. Refer to Available Columns for a list of the columns that you can include. 

Available Columns

You may also include the following columns in the Quiz Analysis Report. These columns are included when you export the grid's contents.

 Quiz Sort Order

If a course contains multiple quizzes, this column shows the order that the quizzes are presented to the learner (i.e., how the quizzes are sorted in the course builder). 

Question Type

The question type (i.e., multiple choice, long answer, short answer).

Question Status

The question status (i.e., Active, Deleted).

Custom Question ID

The custom question ID that may be added to a long answer, multiple choice, or short answer quiz question.

Question Value

The value of the quiz question.

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