Running the Quiz Analysis Report
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Running the Quiz Analysis Report

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Article summary

The Quiz Analysis Report only includes the final quiz attempt for completed online courses. For example, if a learner attempts a quiz three times, the report only includes results for the third attempt.

To run the Quiz Analysis Report:

  1. From the Admin menu, select Report Admin.
  2. Select Quiz Analysis.

A new tab displays the Quiz Analysis Report workscreen.

  1. Specify the required filters
  2. If you would like to specify the optional filters, expand the Optional Filters section.
  3. Click Run Report.

The Quiz Analysis Report's output displays the default columns for quiz questions that meet your specified filter(s). You may also include additional columns in the report's output. 

You may also view the Quiz Analysis Report from the Course Task List that's displayed when you are previewing a course.

Required Filters

You must specify the following filters.


Includes quiz results with the selected course status or course name.


Includes quiz results with the selected quiz status or by the quiz name

Course Completed Date

Includes quiz results where the course completed date is in the selected range. Refer to Date Filters for details on available options.

The course completed date filter is limited to a one year date range.

Optional Filters

Course Enrolled Date

Includes quiz results where the course enrollment date is in the selected option. Refer to Date Filters for details on available options.

Course Pass/Fail Status

Includes quiz results with the selected course pass/fail status.

Quiz Pass/Fail Status

Includes quiz results with the selected quiz pass/fail status.

Course Grade

Includes quiz results where the course grade is within the specified range.

Quiz Grade

Includes quiz results where the quiz grade is within the specified range.


Includes quiz results for learners who are assigned to a group with the selected status or group name

Home Group

Includes quiz results for learners who have a home group with the selected status or group name.


Includes quiz results for learners with the selected status or name.


Includes quiz results for learners who belong to a team with the selected status or name


Includes quiz results for learners who belong to an organization with the selected status or name.


Includes quiz results for learners whose supervisor has the selected status or name.

Include Questions

Includes quiz results for questions with the selected status.

Learning Plan

Includes learners who have quiz results and are assigned a learning plan with the selected status or learning plan name

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