Running the Audit Log Report
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Running the Audit Log Report

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Article summary

To run the Audit Log Report:

  1. From the Admin menu, select Report Admin.
  2. Select Audit Log.

The Audit Log Report displays. By default the Audit Log Report includes data for when the following were created or updated:

You can use the Object Type, Operation, and Origin filters to control what's included in the grid. These filters are located above the grid.

Selecting more than one filter will return only those rows that meet all of the selected filters.

You can also specify search criteria for a specific column to filter the Audit Log Report grid's contents

Object Type Filters

The object type filter limits the contents of the grid to the selected object (i.e., certifications, courses, groups, learning plans, requirements, or users). 

To filter the Audit Log Report by an object:

  1. Select the object from the Object Type list.

  1. Click Run Report.

The grid displays operations for the selected object type.

Operation Filters

The operation filter limits the contents of the grid to the selected operation (i.e., created, updated).

To filter the Audit Log Report by an operation:

  1. Select the operation from the Operation list.

  1. Click Run Report.

The grid displays data for the selected operation.

Origin Filters

The origin filter limits the contents of the grid to those that originated from the selected workscreen or API method. 

To filter the Audit Log Report by the origin of an operation:

  1. Select the workscreen or API method from the Origin list.

Below is a description of the workscreens and API methods:

  1. Click Run Report.

The grid displays operations that originated from the selected workscreen or API method.

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