Viewing Scheduled Reports
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Viewing Scheduled Reports

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Viewing All Scheduled Reports

If you are an administrator, you can view the scheduled reports of all users.

To view all scheduled reports:

  1. From the Admin menu, select Reports Admin.
  2. Select Scheduled Reporting. The Scheduled Reporting Dashboard displays.
  3. Click the All button that is located above the table.

All scheduled reports are listed in the table. To view the details for a scheduled report, click its name.

Viewing Scheduled Reports by Name

To view the scheduled reports by name:

  1. From the Admin menu, select Reports Admin.
  2. Select Scheduled Reporting. The Scheduled Reporting Dashboard displays.
  3. From the list, select Scheduled Reports (by name).

The scheduled reports you have created are listed by report type. To view the scheduled reports associated with a report type, click the arrow beside the report type.

To view the details of a scheduled report, click the report name.

Viewing Scheduled Reports by Report Profile

To view the scheduled reports by name:

  1. From the Admin menu, select Reports Admin.
  2. Select Scheduled Reporting. The Scheduled Reporting Dashboard displays.
  3. From the list, select Scheduled Reports (by report profile).

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