Viewing the KB Report Drilldown
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Viewing the KB Report Drilldown

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Article summary

To view the KB Report Drilldown:

  1. View an article or file.
  2. Do one of the following:
  • If you are viewing an article, click Report.

Report Button

  • If you are viewing a file, click the File Views, File Edits, or File Downloads.

  • From the KB Report grid, click any of the numbers in the Views, Edits, or Downloads columns.

The results of the report are displayed in a grid.

KB Report Drilldown

Columns in KB Report Drilldown Grid

The results of the KB Report Drilldown are displayed in a grid. The columns in the grid are as follows:



Activity Date

The date that the item was viewed, downloaded, or edited.

Activity By

The name of the user who performed the activity.


The name of the item.


Indicates whether the item is an article or file.


Indicates whether the item is active or inactive.


The activity performed on the item. The activity may include:

  • <Item Type> downloaded
  • <Item Type> edited
  • <Item Type> viewed

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