Default Certification Report
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Default Certification Report

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Article summary

The Default Certification Report enables you to report on users' certifications. Running the Default Certification Report as-is (that is, not changing any of the filters or filter values) returns all active users whose home groups are active and who are assigned one or more active learning plans. 


The Default Certification Report includes a pre-defined set of filters and columns. If you need to change the report's filters or columns, you can edit the report, or add a custom Learning Plan Report

The Default Certification Report is a detailed custom Learning Plan Report that has its Level set to Certification

Running the Default Certification Report

To run the Default Certification Report:

  1. From the Admin menu, select Report Admin.
  2. Select Learning Plan
  3. From the left pane, expand System Reports
  4. Select Default Certification Report


  1. The Default Certification Report includes several filters. Specify the value(s) for any filters you would like to apply to the report. If you would like to change the filters included, you may edit the Default Certification Report.
The Default Certification Report is a detailed custom Learning Plan Report that has its Level set to Certification
  1. Click Run Report.

Default Certification Report Filters

The Default Certification Report includes the following filters. 


Includes certifications with the selected status and/or name


Includes users with the selected status (i.e., Active, Inactive, All) or name.

Home Group

Includes users in a home group with the selected status (i.e., Active, Inactive, All) and/or group name


Includes users with a supervisor with the selected status (i.e., Active, Inactive, All) or name.


Includes users who belong to a team with the selected status (i.e., Active, Inactive, All) or name.


Includes users in the selected organization. 


Includes users with the selected certification status. 


Includes users whose progress toward a certification is within the specified range. 

Met Date

Includes users who are assigned a certification with a met date within the specified date range. Refer to Date Filters for details on the available options.

Warning Date

Includes users whose certification warning date is within the specified date range. Refer to Date Filters for details on the available options. 

Expiry Date

Includes users who are assigned a certification with an expiration date within the specified date range. Refer to Date Filters for details on the available options.

First Met Date

Includes users who first met the certification within the specified date range. Refer to Date Filters for details on the available options.

Default Certification Report Columns

The following columns are included in the Default Certification Report:

  • Learner
  • Certification
  • Status
  • Progress
  • Met Date
  • Warning Date
  • Expiry Date
  • First Met Date
If you'd like to change the report columns, you can edit the Default Certification Report, or create a custom Learning Plan Report.

Understanding the Default Certification Report's Output

The output of the Default Certification Report displays in a grid in the Report accordion. By default, the output is listed in alphabetical order by learner name. You may sort and/or filter the output of the Certification Report as needed.

The first column of the Default Certification Report's output displays a Trophy 20221017  if the learner has completed the certification. Click this icon  to display the learner's certification completion certificate.

The second column displays a Download Report 20221017. Click this icon to download the learner's Certification Summary Report.

The columns included by default in the Default Certification Report are described below.

LearnerThe learner's name.
CertificationThe certification assigned to the learner. 
StatusIndicates whether the learner has met the certification's requirements. 
ProgressA percentage indicating the learner's progress toward completing the certification.
Met DateThe date the learner last met the certification's requirements. 
Warning DateThe warning date associated with the learner's certification.
Expiry DateThe expiration date associated with the learner's certification.
First Met DateThe date the learner first met the certification's requirements. 

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