Email Template: Templates
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Email Template: Templates

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Article summary

The Templates accordion displays all email templates that are for the same email type. For example, you can view the email templates for the Certification Completion to Home Group Contact email type.


This accordion is only available for system templates.

The grid in the Templates accordion contains the following columns:




Click to preview the email template.


The email template's name. The icon beside the name indicates whether the template is a system template (), or a custom template ().

Click the name to view the template's details.


The email template's status.

Linked Objects

The number of objects (i.e., certifications, courses, groups, tasks) that are associated with the template. Click the number to view the email template's linked objects

Account Default

Indicates whether the email template is the account default for the email type:

  •  - The email template is the account's default for the email type.
  •  - The email template is not the account's default for the email type.


Indicates whether content has been added for the language.

  •  - Email content has been added for the language.
  •  - Email content has not been added for the language.

Clones the email template. This is useful for situations when you want to copy an email template and make minimal changes to it. You will need to specify the email template's settings in the following accordions:

Changing the Account's Default Template

Refer to Changing the Account's Default Email Template for details.

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