SSO: Salesforce
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SSO: Salesforce

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Article summary

To set up Salesforce with SmarterU:

  1. Follow these instructions from Saleforce to turn your Salesforce account into an identify Provider and set up a Service Provider using Connected Apps. Use the following information to set up your service provider:
  • Entity ID<accountID>

Where you replace <accountID> with your account's ID.

You can find your account's ID by logging into SmarterU and looking at the URL.

  • Subject Type: Username
  • Name ID Format
  1. Download your metadata.
  2. Copy the metadata to SmarterU.

Downloading Your Metadata

To download your metadata, do the following from Salesforce:

  1. Navigate to your Connected Apps screen.
  2. Click on the newly created app.
  3. Under the SAML Login Information section, click Download Metadata

Graphical user interface, text, application, email  Description automatically generated

Copying the Metadata to SmarterU

To copy the metadata to SmarterU:

  1. Using Notepad, open the metadata file that you downloaded and copy its contents.
  2. From SmarterU, edit your account and expand the External Authorization section
  3. Paste the file's contents into the IdP Metadata field.
  4. Click Save.

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