Learner Interface: Knowledge Base Buttons, Links, and Labels
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Learner Interface: Knowledge Base Buttons, Links, and Labels

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Article summary


The article or file's name.

KB Item Name 20240808

Clicking an article name displays the article. Clicking a file name displays the file's details.


The file's description.

File Description 20240808

The description only displays in list view.


The article or file's thumbnail image

If no thumbnail image has been uploaded for an article, the article's main image displays. If the article does not have an image, the placeholder image displays.

If no thumbnail image has been uploaded for a file, the file type icon displays. 

KB Item Image 20240808


The article icon or file type icon.

KB Item Icon 20240808 

Knowledge Base Item



Article Icon 20240809

Audio file

Audio Icon 20240809

Embedded file

Embedded File 20240809

Excel file

Excel File 20240809

Image file

Image File 20240809

PDF file

PDF Icon 20240809

Video file

Video Icon 20240809

Word file

Word Icon 20240809


Indicates you are viewing a knowledge base's sub-folder. Click the button to display the parent folder. 

Folder Icon 20240809Sub-Folder

Indicates a sub-folder.

Subfolder 20240808

Download Icon 20240809Download

Downloads the file. This icon only displays if the file is downloadable.


Displays the article or the file's details page.

View Link 20240808

Preview Icon 20240809View File

Displays the file. This icon is only applicable to file types that can be viewed in a browser.

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