Message Center: Viewing Discussion Comments
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Message Center: Viewing Discussion Comments

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Article summary

To view the comments in a discussion forum:

  1. Click  to view the Message Center.
  2. Expand the Subscribed menu to view the course discussion forums to which you are subscribed, or the Discussions menu to view adhoc discussion forums to which you have access. If you are subscribed to an instructor-led course's discussion and a discussion for a specific session, the session's start date displays in the menu. 

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If you selected the Subscribed menu, the number beside the discussion forum's name indicates the number of new (unread) comments.

  1. Select the discussion forum. The selected forum is highlighted in the menu and its name displays at the top of the page. The comments for the forum display.

Graphical user interface, text, application  Description automatically generated

If you are not subscribed to a course's discussion forum, you can view the course forum's comments from the learner interface's course details page.

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