Permission Combinations
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Permission Combinations

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Article summary

The permission combinations below are some of the more frequently used by SmarterU clients. 

Group Administrator

How to Set Up

Grant the user the following group permissions:

When to Use

This combination of permissions allows a user to act like a group administrator and is useful when you have location-based or outlet-based groups. With these permissions, the user can enroll users, run reports, confirm actions, and remove users from the group. Refer to Group Permissions for a complete list of functionality that each permission gives.

It does NOT allow them to edit users or view users in other groups. 

Course Manager with View Account Groups

How to Set Up

Grant the course manager the View Account Groups account permission

When to Use

By default, course managers without any other permissions will only be able to assign the courses they manage to their home group. To allow course managers to assign the courses they manage to any or all groups in the account, you can give them the View Account Groups account permission

Depending on which Course Manager Access options you have enabled, the View Account Groups permission will expand the groups that course managers have access to. For example, if the Course Manager Access settings Enroll Learners option is enabled, course managers will be able to enroll users from all groups into the course they manage. 

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