Running a Saved Enrollment Report
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Running a Saved Enrollment Report

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Article summary

To run an Enrollment Report:

  1. From the Admin menu, select Report Admin.
  2. Select Enrollments. The default Enrollment Report page displays with the Filters accordion expanded. By default, the Enrollment Reports (by type) list option is selected. 
  3. From the left pane, click the name of the report you would like to run. The Enrollment Report accordion displays the report output using the filter values and output options specified with the report.
  1. Click Run Report.

Changing a Report's Filter Values

To change a report's filter values:

  1. Expand the Filters accordion. Filter values that may be changed are listed in the Editable Filters section of the accordion.

  1. Modify the filter values as needed.

Resetting a Report's Filter Values

To return the filter values to the report's default values, click Reset.

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